Our stand on this issue remain vs my stand on this issue remains

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Looking on the internet deeply has found these results:

our stand on this issue remain is the most popular phrase on the web. 

my stand on this issue remains

1275 results on the web

our stand on this issue remain

11,420,000,000 results on the web

More popular!

Some examples and use cases from the internet:

Some examples and use cases from the internet:

  • election
  • he is not standing for re
  • The truth is taking a stand on this issue right now could end my State Senate campaign before it even begins.
  • I commend President Santer on his principled stand on this issue, defending the citizens of Europe.
  • President Clinton has the opportunity
  • to make a stand on this issue today.
  • It is because of this as well that the EU must take a unified stand on this issue.
  • I wonder where my opponent stands on this issue considering his personal familiarity with it.
  • It is because of this as well that the EU must take a unified stand on this issue.
  • President Clinton has the opportunity
  • he is not standing for re
  • to make a stand on this issue today.
  • The truth is taking a stand on this issue right now could end my State Senate campaign before it even begins.
  • I commend President Santer on his principled stand on this issue, defending the citizens of Europe.
  • election
  • I wonder where my opponent stands on this issue considering his personal familiarity with it.

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