Please also be reminded vs Please be also reminded

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Looking on the internet deeply has found these results:

please also be reminded is the most popular phrase on the web. 

Please be also reminded

11,920 results on the web

please also be reminded

1168,000 results on the web

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Some examples and use cases from the internet:

Some examples and use cases from the internet:

  • It has also reminded us of how addicted we have become to air transportation.
  • He also reminded me he has discretionary control over your trust fund.
  • Please be reminded bikes belong in the shed.
  • The Commission also reminded Italy that any aid implemented before authorisation which is found incompatible must be recovered.
  • I am also reminded of a past event.
  • He also reminded MEPs of the range of EU legislation aimed at ensuring nuclear safety and a swift reaction to any radiological accidents.
  • This also reminded us of two very different pictorial traditions.
  • He also reminded the House of the goal of achieving an integrated market in financial services.
  • Perhaps all the members should be reminded of that.
  • He probably doesn't need to be reminded of me.
  • The Commission should be reminded that it too is bound by European legislation.
  • Everyone must be reminded that no one can stand against the Emperor.
  • Nice to be reminded why I do this for a living.
  • People need to be reminded who's boss.
  • They just needed to be reminded we take care of our own.
  • Please be reminded bikes belong in the shed.

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