Please check for accuracy vs Please verify for accuracy

Check any text for mistakes in above text box. Grammar Check your text.

Plagiarism Checker - Best Grammar and Plagiarism Checker for Students, Teachers

Looking on the internet deeply has found these results:

Please check for accuracy is the most popular phrase on the web. 

Please verify for accuracy

13,960 results on the web

Please check for accuracy

1160,000 results on the web

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Some examples and use cases from the internet:

Some examples and use cases from the internet:

  • Wrong connection parameters used. Please verify in IPSec settings.
  • Please verify and resubmit the form.
  • Before forwarding an order, please verify that the destination address is correct.
  • Timings, prices and other information can vary, please verify it previously.
  • Login unsuccessful. Please verify your username and password.
  • Please verify that the seal is unbroken.
  • Before starting the installation, please verify that your computer meets the minimum system requirements.
  • Please verify that the P1 ATA removal on replacement cap part 1 and 2 are complete.
  • In the meantime, please check for updates on Empire XStream.
  • Error calling '%1'. Please check for syntax errors.
  • Doctor, please check for any gene disrupter phasing.
  • Please check for your personal belongings.
  • Before putting the tire in storage, please check for tread depth and/or damage and store according to the following directions.
  • Attention! To this e
  • mail address will be sent the link of the voucher. Please check for accuracy.
  • Please check for the latest prices.

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