HEhaehea vs Pope Boniface VIII and King Philip were in argument over the fact that King Philip wanted to tax the clergy for war in the guise of taxing for a crusade.

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Pope Boniface VIII and King Philip were in argument over the fact that King Philip wanted to tax the clergy for war in the guise of taxing for a crusade.

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Some examples and use cases from the internet:

  • It doesn't look like this phrase is very popular! The search could not find any examples on the internet.
  • mulher gostosa é que não falta por aqui né hehaehea parabens pela bela galeria, nem daria pra comentar em todos trabalhos pq sao todos fodas. Reply.
  • 29 jul. 2015 ... ... várias dicas suas, principalmente a de Runas. Tu por acaso é de POA? Tem um sotaque típico daqui hehaehea Flw! Read more Show less.
  • Nov 3, 2010 ... Austin Bosco 5 months ago. I will now reainact the beggining of this video (not trying to be mean) PLEASE Hehaehea..breath.....ahhh....breath.

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