Promotional period vs promotion period

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Looking on the internet deeply has found these results:

promotional period is the most popular phrase on the web. 

promotion period

1961,000 results on the web

promotional period

13,200,000 results on the web

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Some examples and use cases from the internet:

Some examples and use cases from the internet:

  • DAPHNE, the programme for combating violence against children, youths and women, must pass through the second reading as quickly as possible in order to retain here also continuity with the promotion period which is expiring.
  • General priority point for the 2003 promotion period, which was confirmed and made definitive by the decision of the Appointing Authority rejecting her informal appeal;
  • You know that in this promotion period, we also kept to this and thus took account of Parliament's position in our final proposals.
  • After the experiences with the URBAN Community Initiative in the previous promotion period, it is now a question of transferring the tried and tested measures and forms of implementation to the mainstream programmes of Objectives 1, 2 and 3.
  • In Spain the figure is 152000.In Ireland, in the current promotion period alone, ECU 380 million has been deployed for education under the Social Fund.
  • We all owe it to the European taxpayer to do more than merely attach a commitment to public resources that they will be handled efficiently, because in the last promotion period this unfortunately fell far short of assuring the general success that we were looking for.
  • annul the decision of the Director General of the Legal Service to award her only one Directorate
  • any promotional price reduction must be backed up by the existence of a sufficient supply of the relevant article or service throughout the period of the promotion;
  • Discounts for promotional reasons should be offered for limited periods of time, for limited amounts of goods.
  • The promotional activities covered by this agreement are linked to the operation of a Pau
  • An advertising campaign is more likely to have a sustainable effect when the promotional activities involve one or more advertising media to which consumers are regularly exposed over a given period.
  • It is no accident that we have proposed extending from two to three years the period for revising the list of products to fall under the promotional measures and the duration of the programmes, in order to lend greater certainty and effectiveness to the measures.
  • Bristol route with two flights per week, which is 60 projected flights over the same period.

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