Roll down the hill vs roll downhill

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Looking on the internet deeply has found these results:

roll down the hill is the most popular phrase on the web. 

roll downhill

155,900 results on the web

roll down the hill

1223,000 results on the web

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Some examples and use cases from the internet:

Some examples and use cases from the internet:

  • And you know what rolls downhill.
  • The consequences for their actions roll downhill.
  • If the wheel rolls downhill, let it go,
  • We are on the tipping point exactly now, things can roll very fast downhill if we want it to go downhill.
  • Just as he gets there, the effort becomes too much, the boulder escapes, rolls all the way down the hill, he has to trudge back down to push it up again, and the same thing happens again and again for all eternity.
  • You wrote her name down and then big surprise... she rolls her car down a hill and dies.
  • And this Japanese macaque has made a snowball, and he or she's going to roll down a hill.
  • Listening to the sound echoing, roll down those hills.
  • They roll the wheel down the hill and you tumble after it.
  • Killer tosses the block, it rolls down the hill the block splits open, exposes the head.
  • Drum roll... Backwards down the hill!
  • Unless she's willing to jump off a moving train, tuck and roll down the side of a hill, she will eventually succumb to the acquired taste that is ward Wolowitz.

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