Looking on the internet deeply has found these results:
search service is the most popular phrase on the web.
searching service
1241,000 results on the web
search service
11,140,000 results on the web
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Some examples and use cases from the internet:
Some examples and use cases from the internet:
- So this is a website that tries to agglomerate all of those databases into one place so you can start searching for, you know, his relatives, his friends, the head of his security services.
- Immigrants account for a third of people searching for work through the Austrian Public Employment Service (AMS), but make up only 16 % of those in employment.
- Additionally, in order to facilitate the access to the information stored by end users, appropriate searching facilities and service support should be provided.
- I should like to repeat to the House that I am delighted that during the conciliation procedure, we managed to ensure that in general, services for searching and consulting spatial information must be made available free of charge.
- For the prevention and investigation of criminal offences and in dealing with other offences coming within the jurisdiction of the courts or the public prosecution service in the searching Member State,
- Measure 3.1 "Support for relocation" covers intensive searching for job vacancies, in particular through the services offered by a small commercial network.
- The fire service is still searching the building.
- Searching for I.T. service reps who make house calls in Glenport village.
- Nepomuk search service registered at D
- Nepomuk search service uses an appropriate backend.
- Bus which typically indicates it is operational.
- Nepomuk search service uses inappropriate backend.
- Bus.
- The Nepomuk search service is registered at D
- Bus.
- Nepomuk search service not registered at D
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