Sell for vs sell to

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Looking on the internet deeply has found these results:

sell for is the most popular phrase on the web. 

sell to

126,600,000 results on the web

sell for

134,400,000 results on the web

More popular!

Some examples and use cases from the internet:

Some examples and use cases from the internet:

  • Frank was told not to sell to you.
  • No, I can't sell to prisoners.
  • And some other stuff we can sell to get money.
  • I don't want to sell to a big developer.
  • Amateurs have to sell to professionals eventually.
  • They had to sell to a foreign company...
  • Those guys wouldn't sell to Tanya.
  • We're not allowed to sell to soldiers tonight.
  • That there green is from the powder I sell for you.
  • All the more reason not to turn our backs on a story we've been trying to sell for weeks.
  • Given the continued existence of intervention stocks, it is appropriate to provide for the possibility to sell for industrial use sugar held by the intervention agencies.
  • She'd been refusing to sell for months, but the day she died, she put in a call
  • saying she was ready to make that deal.
  • Those sell for like 800 bucks apiece.
  • A lung or a kidney can sell for a $100,000 on the black market.
  • A kidney can sell for as much as $120,000 here and, in Singapore, twice as much.

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