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Some examples and use cases from the internet:
- protection principles which should be observed whenever data are being gathered, processed and transmitted under this Framework Decision.
- Therefore the Commission required a new set of data and projections and more recent market surveys.
- So far no concrete sets of data have been discussed yet.
- "personal data filing system" hereinafter referred to as "filing system" shall mean any structured set of personal data which are accessible according to specific criteria, whether centralised, decentralised or dispersed on a functional or geographical basis;
- For this reason, mention should be made of a general set of data
- So far no concrete sets of data have been discussed yet.
- Member States shall ensure that sets of bathing water quality data are compiled through the monitoring of the parameters set out in Annex I, column A.
- Right, we can Look for a combination of attributes in this existing set of data that match to a new set of data.
- Upon the completion of the correction procedure, a valid set of altitude data is established.
- The availability of an appropriate set of back data is crucial, due to the importance for analytical purposes of the ability to assess the evolution of job vacancies over time.
- The basic principle should be that each set of data is provided just once, and should then be distributed and shared amongst statistical organisations, whilst adhering to the principles governing Community statistics (statistical confidentiality, etc.).
- month).
- Therefore, the results of the exercise of comparing the macroeconomic indicators for all Union producers and those for sampled Union producers are not necessarily meaningful and do not allow for the conclusion that the one or the other set of data is unreliable.
- Select font style and size here. The series colors can be selected here also. The series refer to the individual graphs. Each graphed set of data is a series.
- It is understood that a precise link between the two sets of data is possible only when the closing date of the accounting WFS matches the reference date of the statistical reports (i.e. end
- The comparison between the various sets of data is shown in the table and succeeding graph below:
Related Comparison