Share a significant higher vs share a significant lower

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Looking on the internet deeply has found these results:

share a significant higher is the most popular phrase on the web. 

share a significant lower

11 results on the web

share a significant higher

111 results on the web

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Some examples and use cases from the internet:

Some examples and use cases from the internet:

  • month horizon prevail. Considerable biases in the �...
  • shaped patterns observed at 1
  • In particular, all methods share a significant lower tail bias. For USDJPY, the S
  • These analyses suggest that, when given an option of a topic to share, a significant higher number of people choose life experiences over material objects .
  • the GABAB VFTMs share a significant higher similarity with the. VFTM of the monotopic receptor RTK1 (Vicogne et al., 2003), leaving open the possibility that the�...
  • et al., 1993), the two proteins share a significant higher sequence identity (73 %). Similar values of sequence conservation have been found previously in�...
  • Jan 14, 2004 ... In contrast, the GABAB VFTMs share a significant higher similarity with the VFTM of the monotopic receptor RTK1 (Vicogne et al., 2003), leaving�...

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