Should not be a concern vs should be no concern

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Looking on the internet deeply has found these results:

should not be a concern is the most popular phrase on the web. 

should be no concern

1363,000 results on the web

should not be a concern

129,300,000 results on the web

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Some examples and use cases from the internet:

Some examples and use cases from the internet:

  • Though it should be no cause for concern, and you should not at all be worried.
  • His death is not connected to theirs and should be no concern of yours.
  • Anyway, that should be no concern of yours.
  • The Europe which we Europeanists dream of is a Europe of States, and it should therefore be no cause for concern to anyone who, and rightly so, believes strongly in national identity.
  • There should be no doubting our concern that no significant improvements have taken place in terms of the human rights situation and the democratic reforms in Turkey.
  • I refuse to accept that neighbourhoods that exist on a social or economic margin should be of no concern whatsoever to Europe.
  • Under these conditions there should be no cause for concern about the possible negative impact of new competitors in the tourist market.
  • That is made quite clear in the text and therefore there should be no concerns for Member States.
  • Furthermore, there is still a concern within Europe with regard to a few sensitive national concerns.
  • Tackling educational disadvantage is a concern across the EU.
  • In particular, should it not be a matter of concern for the Council that those two states have indulged in five years of default in terms of producing a voluntary code of practice for those implementation bodies under the SEUPB?
  • This remains a concern of mine.
  • A concern for balance therefore motivated the Council during the negotiations, leading to a text that largely takes account of your concerns.
  • Madam President, what is happening in Greece is not just a concern of those who are part of the euro area, but concerns the whole EU.
  • Gun crime is increasingly a concern of my constituents.
  • However, we cannot guarantee safety without the appropriate funding, and I therefore believe that the decommissioning of nuclear power plants like Ignalina should not just be a concern for one Member State, in this case Lithuania, but for the whole of Europe.

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