Sorry for the following up vs Sorry for following up

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Looking on the internet deeply has found these results:

Sorry for the following up is the most popular phrase on the web. 

Sorry for following up

1438,000 results on the web

Sorry for the following up

130,200,000 results on the web

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Some examples and use cases from the internet:

Some examples and use cases from the internet:

  • In Germany there was no procedure for following up anomalies.
  • There must be clear requirements for following up the results.
  • Moreover, the committees are responsible for following up resolutions by hearing the Commission officials with responsibility in the relevant areas.
  • I should also like to applaud the Commission, and especially Mrs Schreyer, for following up the Flechard case.
  • In the rapporteur's opinion, this programme must become a real tool for following up national and Community policies.
  • Moreover, the committees are responsible for following up resolutions by hearing the Commission officials with responsibility in the relevant areas.
  • Furthermore, the committees are responsible for following up resolutions by hearing Commission officials who have responsibility in the relevant areas.
  • I think that the fact that the standing committees will now also be responsible for following up resolutions is definitely a move in the right direction.
  • This situation indicates a need for the Agency to improve its procedures for the following
  • Proposals are invited for the following calls.
  • Proposals are invited for the following calls.
  • Proposals are invited for the following call.
  • The conciliation failed for the following reasons.
  • The draft decision calls for the following observations.
  • up the use of its appropriations.
  • Proposals are invited for the following call.

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