Stories are placed in a distant future vs stories are set in a distance future

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Looking on the internet deeply has found these results:

stories are placed in a distant future is the most popular phrase on the web. 

stories are set in a distance future

14 results on the web

stories are placed in a distant future

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Some examples and use cases from the internet:

Some examples and use cases from the internet:

  • Both designs have piers whose foundations are set in the river.
  • For dimethomorph, MRLs are set in Part A of Annex III to Regulation (EC) No 396/2005.
  • The agreement concerns a yearly volume of 150000 cubic meters of wood originating from forests located in a distance of not more than 70 km from Eberswalde.
  • The limiting values LpAeq, T for the stationary noise of freight wagons in a distance of 7.5 m from centreline of track are given in Table 1.
  • The system is eminently technical and its calculation rules are set in details in the related legislation.
  • For beflubutamid and diniconazole, MRLs are set in Part A of Annex III to that Regulation.
  • The consequence would be that intervention of a notary in a distance contract on financial services would deprive the consumer of central rights laid down in the directive, and this is clearly unacceptable.
  • The limits for the starting noise are defined in a distance of 7,5 m from the centreline of track, 1,2 m and 3,5 m above the upper surface of the rails.
  • I know a priest in the countryside living in a distant congregation.
  • She came in a distant second.
  • Radical openness is still a distant future in the field of school education.
  • That joyous escape in a distant place.
  • So, for example, in a distant era now, it was common when one gave a speech to basically talk like writing.
  • Maybe he took time to cool off over break, which means: maybe, in a distant future, we can actually be friends.
  • So I assume you're referring to these people that you supposedly met in a distant galaxy.
  • This ageing of Europe's population is no longer an abstract scenario for a distant future.

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