Supplier name vs supplier's name

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Looking on the internet deeply has found these results:

supplier name is the most popular phrase on the web. 

supplier's name

1128,000 results on the web

supplier name

1479,000 results on the web

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Some examples and use cases from the internet:

Some examples and use cases from the internet:

  • the supplier's model identifier, meaning the code, usually alphanumeric, which distinguishes a specific luminaire model from other models with the same trade mark or supplier's name;
  • supplier's model identifier which means the code, usually alphanumeric, which distinguishes a specific vacuum cleaner model from other models with the same trade mark or supplier's name;
  • 'model identifier' means the code, usually alphanumeric, which distinguishes a specific refrigerating appliance model from other models with the same trade mark or supplier's name.
  • Dealer's and/or supplier's name or trademark.
  • supplier's model identifier, which means the code, usually alphanumeric, which distinguishes a specific household tumble drier model from other models with the same trade mark or supplier's name;
  • supplier's model identifier, meaning the code, usually alphanumeric, which distinguishes a specific lamp model from other models with the same trade mark or supplier's name;
  • supplier's model identifier, meaning the code, usually alphanumeric, which distinguishes a specific household tumble drier model from other models with the same trade mark or supplier's name;
  • I. supplier's name or trade mark;
  • However, obligations on the reseller relating to the display of the supplier's brand name are not classified as hardcore.
  • Alternative supplier's names or trade marks applied to the device or component:
  • Nor are obligations on the reseller relating to the display of the supplier's brand name classified as hardcore.
  • Exporter, manufacturer or supplier (name, address, telephone and fax)
  • I. the supplier's name or trade mark;
  • 'model identifier' means the code, usually alphanumeric, which distinguishes a specific refrigerating appliance model from other models with the same trade mark or supplier's name.
  • I. supplier's name or trade mark;
  • Dealer's and/or supplier's name or trademark.

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