Support someone to do something vs support someone do something

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Looking on the internet deeply has found these results:

support someone to do something is the most popular phrase on the web. 

support someone do something

12 results on the web

support someone to do something

1182,000 results on the web

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Some examples and use cases from the internet:

Some examples and use cases from the internet:

  • Could someone do something about the lights?
  • Can't someone do something nice for a friend?
  • Why would someone do something so senseless and cruel?
  • It makes you wonder, though, what it takes to make someone do something so sick.
  • I don't want to hurt Santana's feelings, but I also don't want to make someone do something they're not comfortable with.
  • Why would someone do something like that?
  • Why would someone do something like that?
  • Why would someone do something like that?
  • If I tell someone to do something,
  • I'm trying to be sympathetic to whatever sickness or disease would allow someone to do something like this.
  • I thought you couldn't hypnotize someone to do something they normally wouldn't do, like commit suicide or murder.
  • I won't stop because I want someone to do something, that's all.
  • That's when you do something for someone
  • I thought you couldn't hypnotize someone to do something they normally wouldn't do, like commit suicide or murder.
  • When you want that someone to do something for you.

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