Technical consulting vs technical consultancy

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Looking on the internet deeply has found these results:

technical consulting is the most popular phrase on the web. 

technical consultancy

11,080,000 results on the web

technical consulting

13,260,000 results on the web

More popular!

Some examples and use cases from the internet:

Some examples and use cases from the internet:

  • This aid scheme is implemented under Article 14 of Regulation (EC) No 1/2004 to cover the cost of technical consultancy services
  • Also provide technical consultancy to other companies and provide business solutions.
  • Specific technical consultancy: the maximum aid intensity will be EUR 1500
  • The technical consultancy services will cover the following:
  • Repairs at sea: service, technical consultancy and assistance.
  • (bb) technical consultancy and training measures on fulfilling the environmental standards set out in Union legislation.
  • assistance and technical consultancy on the transport, distribution and application of the gas.
  • The company specializes in technical consulting in the marine industry
  • Owner of technical consulting firms Astauto and Sergio Rinland Consulting, where he developed a variety of racing electric and hybrid racing cars, Rinland has been recently working for several racing disciplines implementing his own F1 type car simulation system, tyre and aero development programs.
  • KROMOTEK ITALY SRL work in the energy sector by providing businesses and individuals a full
  • service technical consulting, and financial assistance for the construction electrician "turnkey" energy solutions adapted to their needs.
  • "Technical consulting" grew by Euro 960 thousand mostly due to a more extensive use of consulting services in the development of new products and process improvement at subsidiaries LPDN GmbH and Allevard Sogefi USA Inc.;
  • Technical consulting service and commercial Tel.
  • "Technical consulting" fell by Euro 1,017 thousand, due to a less extensive use of external consulting services for the development of new products mainly by subsidiaries Syst�mes Moteurs S.A.S. and LPDN GmbH;
  • professional training and technical consulting for the composition of inks and the organization of stock;

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