That is a sequence of steps vs that is the sequence of steps

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Looking on the internet deeply has found these results:

that is a sequence of steps is the most popular phrase on the web. 

that is the sequence of steps

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that is a sequence of steps

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Some examples and use cases from the internet:

Some examples and use cases from the internet:

  • That is, the sequence of steps in the embryo from day 1 to day 6 is necessary and preparatory for what occurs afterward, and is a unitary trajectory of�...
  • One current interest is the interplay between visual selective attention and inhibitory mechanisms; that is, the sequence of steps that determine where visual �...
  • The first five steps are performed iteratively; that is, the sequence of steps is repeated as more information becomes available for evaluation. For each step we�...
  • Describe your instructional plan�that is, the sequence of steps that you need to follow if your students are to achieve the unit objectives�including the key�...
  • dimensional space.
  • The analog system acts upon an input signal that is a sequence of steps
  • 20
  • constant values. The constant values come about because the computer generates a�...
  • Jan 16, 2002 ... that w = 1 in G � that is, a sequence of steps that reduces w to the empty word. The running time of a proof is the number of steps, and its space�...
  • dimensional space analogous to a walk in the (x, y) plane in the case of binary�...
  • Proteins are then represented by a walk, that is, a sequence of steps in the 20
  • dimensional vector space to the 20 natural amino acids. Proteins are then represented by a walk, that is, a sequence of steps in the 20

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