The enormity of the crime vs the enormity of war

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the enormity of the crime is the most popular phrase on the web. 

the enormity of war

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the enormity of the crime

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  • year
  • the enormity of war crimes. 2. something outrageous or heinous, as an offense: The bombing of the defenseless population was an enormity beyond belief. 3.
  • Apr 17, 2014 ... An Image of the Enormity of War, 1918. JF Ptak Science Books Quick Post Part of the series of WWI Photography � WWI riqueval1918 [Source:�...
  • Sep 12, 2014 ... I needed to connect a five
  • old's own experience directly with the enormity of war, she said. She recommended a recently published book�...
  • Jun 18, 2014 ... The letters, cards and poems of people facing the enormity of war. Letter by Arthur Conan Doyle and handwritten manuscript by Wilfred Owen�...
  • Examples of ENORMITY. We were shocked at the enormity of the crime. They didn't fully grasp the enormity of their decision.
  • Nero was horrorstruck at the enormity of the crime and terrified at its possible consequences. I never dreamed of any enormity greater than I have committed.
  • 1. outrageous or heinous character; monstrousness: the enormity of the crime. 2. something outrageous or heinous, as an offense. 3. greatness of size, scope,�...
  • A refusal to grasp the enormity of the crime being committed continued for a long time. [Telegraph]. And in many such instances, it's difficult to tell whether the�...

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