The seminar will be delivered vs The seminars will be given

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Looking on the internet deeply has found these results:

The seminar will be delivered is the most popular phrase on the web. 

The seminars will be given

155,700 results on the web

The seminar will be delivered

196,700 results on the web

More popular!

Some examples and use cases from the internet:

Some examples and use cases from the internet:

  • The ministerial council was given a seminar on mainstreaming, at which planning requirements in all the individual political areas were explained.
  • related research projects within target universities, and encourage participants to nominate students to participate in CDI courses.
  • The seminar will gather information and share best practice, and could lead to development of indicators in this field.
  • The seminar will address precautions that users can take, as well as technical solutions to minimise hearing damage and the need for further regulations or revisions of existing safety standards to protect consumers.
  • Discussions in the seminar will be led by academic experts.
  • The seminars will also explore modalities to increase the amount of CTBT
  • The working language of the seminar will be English.
  • A report of the seminar will be prepared by the EU Non
  • The seminar will address precautions that users can take, as well as technical solutions to minimise hearing damage and the need for further regulations or revisions of existing safety standards to protect consumers.
  • The working language of the seminar will be English.
  • The seminar will gather information and share best practice, and could lead to development of indicators in this field.
  • Proliferation Consortium and sent to the representative of the HR.
  • related research projects within target universities, and encourage participants to nominate students to participate in CDI courses.
  • A report of the seminar will be prepared by the EU Non
  • The seminars will also explore modalities to increase the amount of CTBT
  • Discussions in the seminar will be led by academic experts.

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