There are no evidences vs there are not any evidences

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Looking on the internet deeply has found these results:

there are no evidences is the most popular phrase on the web. 

there are not any evidences

110,700 results on the web

there are no evidences

159,600 results on the web

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Some examples and use cases from the internet:

Some examples and use cases from the internet:

  • Given the absence of empirical evidence justifying the introduction of pre
  • The Commission shall open a period for submitting evidence during which any evidence that interested persons propose and that is declared relevant may be submitted.
  • trade transparency requirements, a full review should be carried out to ascertain the precise nature of their impact upon the markets and whether there is any evidence to support the continued existence of such provisions.
  • There is no real evidence of any of this, nor is there any evidence for the adverse effects of summer time on road safety.
  • While gathering evidence, the investigative bodies shall try to identify any evidence that may be missing.
  • Through discovery, we will obtain evidence that will prove lead paint
  • This conclusion is also reached in the absence of any evidence from the users concerned substantiating their claim, and indeed such effects were not in evidence during the period of validity of past measures concerning PSF.
  • The Commission is also allowing them without any evidence that the additives are technically necessary and without any evidence that they benefit consumers, and without any evidence that the doses proposed present no risks to health.
  • There are no bodies, no evidence, no nothing but my gut and 25 years of police work.
  • Officials are saying there is no evidence to indicate that the astronauts survived.
  • There was heavy damage suffered on HoIodeck 2, but there are no hull breaches in evidence.
  • There are no conclusive indications or evidence of the toxic effects of amalgams if used appropriately.
  • Look, there are no charges, no evidence to suppress.
  • Look, there are no rules of evidence
  • Officials are saying there is no evidence...

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