There is no evidence vs there is not any evidence

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Looking on the internet deeply has found these results:

there is no evidence is the most popular phrase on the web. 

there is not any evidence

1353,000 results on the web

there is no evidence

146,100,000 results on the web

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Some examples and use cases from the internet:

Some examples and use cases from the internet:

  • The Commission is also allowing them without any evidence that the additives are technically necessary and without any evidence that they benefit consumers, and without any evidence that the doses proposed present no risks to health.
  • Indeed, there is not at present any evidence that the liner conference sector needs to be protected from competition in order to provide its services.
  • No one would dispute the fact that we should use public funds to promote research and development and a knowledge
  • It is unacceptable that European citizens in possession of valid documents, who temporarily find themselves in a Member State as tourists or workers, should be treated like criminals and accused of crimes for which there is not even any evidence.
  • based economy, but there is not yet any evidence that this is an effective way of spending money.
  • Although there is not yet any evidence of the effect of zinc nanoparticles on the immune system, it is known that excess zinc levels can lead to copper deficiency, causing the enzymes that control crucial mechanisms within the human body to malfunction.
  • While gathering evidence, the investigative bodies shall try to identify any evidence that may be missing.
  • The Commission shall open a period for submitting evidence during which any evidence that interested persons propose and that is declared relevant may be submitted.
  • Ethan, there is no evidence of that kind of mutation.
  • But there is no evidence indicating an abduction.
  • Viasat claims that there is no evidence of short
  • term cash flow needs.
  • I repeat yet again that there is no evidence whatsoever of a link between Al Qaida and Iraq.
  • The Water and Environment minister says there is no evidence of anyone living in Sydney's tunnels.
  • Yes, there is no evidence to suggest it's an accidental death.
  • At this stage there is no evidence for an involvement of projects financed with a contribution from the EU Solidarity Fund grant.

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