These are great news vs this is great news

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Looking on the internet deeply has found these results:

These are great news is the most popular phrase on the web. 

this is great news

17,700,000 results on the web

These are great news

17,810,000,000 results on the web

More popular!

Some examples and use cases from the internet:

Some examples and use cases from the internet:

  • So this is great news.
  • This is great news for all photographers who want a versatile lens that delivers the highest optical performance in a very compact size.
  • This is great news.
  • This is great news because it means that virtually anybody can start a business if they can spare some extra time.
  • This is great news for me as it will help me to increase the amount of the weight I am lifting as well as the number of reps during my next workout.
  • This is great news for players looking for something a little different.
  • This is great news because it means that virtually anybody...
  • This is great news for the app's provider
  • Well, that's great news.
  • An abnormal insurgency, that's great news.
  • That's great news for sinners.
  • Commander Sisko told us the great news.
  • She has great new friends and great new house.
  • Great news, great news, great news!
  • Let us bring about the dawn of a great new era for a social Europe, a great new hope, a great new inspiration for all its citizens.
  • These are great new additions to our code editor, but we're still working on making this an even better tool in the future.

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