To give some money vs to give over some money

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Looking on the internet deeply has found these results:

to give some money is the most popular phrase on the web. 

to give over some money

112,400 results on the web

to give some money

1587,000 results on the web

More popular!

Some examples and use cases from the internet:

Some examples and use cases from the internet:

  • He said he wants to give us some money before leaving.
  • Because he wants to give us some money.
  • Full disclosure
  • Claimed he killed Bobby over some money Bobby was stealing.
  • I already promised to give you some money every month.
  • He wanted her to give him some money.
  • there was a dispute over some money my grandmother left.
  • She wanted to have some money to give to our birth mom.
  • I mean, if you really want to give some money away.
  • everyone should have to give some money from their salaries each year.
  • I already promised to give you some money every month.
  • We ought to give some money to our hurting neighbors in Liberty.
  • He wanted her to give him some money.
  • I mean, if you really want to give some money away.
  • Because he wants to give us some money.
  • He said he wants to give us some money before leaving.

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