To previously create vs to create previously

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Looking on the internet deeply has found these results:

to previously create is the most popular phrase on the web. 

to create previously

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to previously create

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Some examples and use cases from the internet:

Some examples and use cases from the internet:

  • On 26 November 2007, the French Minister for European Affairs presented to the Political Affairs Committee of the Euro
  • Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly a plan, previously announced by the French President, to create a 'Mediterranean Union'.
  • Emissions also occur when forests are felled to create pastureland, releasing carbon dioxide which was previously bound as carbon in trees.
  • Mr President, the introduction of monetary union will create a previously unknown level of transparency and thus of total comparability of all prices and costs from one Member State to another.
  • In other words, we are going to create a single currency without having previously created the optimum monetary area which should sustain it; so let's rush ahead and unify everything to create that optimum monetary area as fast as possible!
  • This is also the result of the wishes of all the Member States to provide the telecommunications industry with the means to create a services market on a European level, which had previously been much too fragmented.
  • The aim of the measure is to attract more SMEs to the equity market that previously did not participate and thus to create new investment opportunities.
  • My question is: exactly what steps can the European Union take in order to create these networks, which did not previously exist, so that these people can sell their products?
  • We have to ensure that the method for notification of investments corresponds to previously adopted rules.
  • Of the 46 slides, 18 belonged to previously known butcher victims.
  • This reduction also applies to sums they committed themselves to previously.
  • The English word is products' but I assume it should in fact refer to previously existing stocks or supplies.
  • The Member States have made promises that do justice to previously articulated ambitions.
  • Mr President, the introduction of monetary union will create a previously unknown level of transparency and thus of total comparability of all prices and costs from one Member State to another.
  • which are not subject to previously concluded concession contracts,
  • any amendments to previously disclosed information, where applicable.

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