Was enthralled about her knowledge and keen interest in his literary works both, vs was enthralled about both, her knowledge and keen interest in his literary works

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Looking on the internet deeply has found these results:

was enthralled about her knowledge and keen interest in his literary works both, is the most popular phrase on the web. 

was enthralled about both, her knowledge and keen interest in his literary works

11,550,000 results on the web

was enthralled about her knowledge and keen interest in his literary works both,

12,770,000 results on the web

More popular!

Some examples and use cases from the internet:

Some examples and use cases from the internet:

  • The press and public have shown a keen interest in this case.
  • As it happens, I have a longstanding and keen interest in the provision of cycle tracks and I will tell Mrs de Palacio that the European Parliament is determined to see progress made here.
  • wing historian" but in reality I only have a genuine and keen interest in the helicopters.
  • For my friends I am a "rotary
  • I've recently developed a keen interest in T
  • At the 40% spiritual level one would have a keen interest in obtaining spiritual knowledge and putting it into practice.
  • But we should really be seekers with a deep and keen interest in the subject.
  • I am delighted at this early opportunity to which you refer to discuss this extremely important subject with you as members of a parliament which, after all, has taken a long and keen interest in the efforts to bring peace to the Middle East.
  • The press and public have shown a keen interest in this case.
  • As it happens, I have a longstanding and keen interest in the provision of cycle tracks and I will tell Mrs de Palacio that the European Parliament is determined to see progress made here.
  • I am delighted at this early opportunity to which you refer to discuss this extremely important subject with you as members of a parliament which, after all, has taken a long and keen interest in the efforts to bring peace to the Middle East.
  • For my friends I am a "rotary
  • At the 40% spiritual level one would have a keen interest in obtaining spiritual knowledge and putting it into practice.
  • I've recently developed a keen interest in T
  • But we should really be seekers with a deep and keen interest in the subject.
  • wing historian" but in reality I only have a genuine and keen interest in the helicopters.

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