Percentage vs percentages

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Looking on the internet deeply has found these results:

percentage is the most popular phrase on the web. 


150,400,000 results on the web


1276,000,000 results on the web

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Some examples and use cases from the internet:

Some examples and use cases from the internet:

  • With promises of high commissions and big percentages.
  • But I think the unemployment percentages are something the individual Member States should set themselves.
  • The percentages are very low that he'll...
  • Producers' percentages shall be expressed to at least four decimal places.
  • financing percentages.
  • Furthermore the draftsman disagrees with the proposed co
  • Interest rates data are submitted as percentages.
  • We all like to talk percentages, Ned.
  • The farmer cannot get the real percentage of incorporation.
  • Overall the percentage of antibody positive patients was consistent across clinical trials.
  • His lymphocyte percentage is pretty high.
  • A great percentage of all cancers are preventable.
  • His winning percentage is higher than ours.
  • Where a percentage of the salary applies the above methods and classifications apply except in this case they should be combined with information on percentage fees.
  • That percentage should therefore be increased from a certain production threshold.
  • This parameter increases white pixels percentage.

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