NounThe Noun is a word which is used as the name of a person, place or thing.Some nouns have two forms in the plural, each form with a separate meaning of its own.Examples :BrotherBrothers : Sons of the same ParentsBrethren : Members of a community or societySome nouns are generally studied in pairs.Examples :Habit, Custom etc.Choose the correct form of noun in the following quiz.All the best for the Noun Quiz!
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NounThe Noun is a word which is used as the name of a person, place or thing.and the word thing incorporates: the objects that we can touch, taste, see, smell or hear. Anything that we can think of but can not perceive through our senses.Noun has their five different kinds. Common Noun : Name of the person or thing of the same kind. Examples : Chair, sea, city, bucket, notebook etc. Collective Noun : It denotes the group or collection of persons or...
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